Wednesday, May 02, 2012

How to say I love you, Mummy dearest!...(the edible way)

How to say I love you, Mummy dearest!

... (the edible way)



Use the *icing to give it a colourful base, sprinkle the *cuppies with *toppings and lots of love, write in your best handwriting...

*5 cuppies (5 provided, additional cuppies are available at $2 each should you have a loooong message!)
*3 bags of icing
*5 types of toppings

Your masterpiece in our signature gift box and present it to mummy dearest

As soon you have taken all the photos and post them on Facebook ...

$28 in exact change will be really nice. (Big thank you in advance!)

Olive Suite
Delfi Orchard
Singapore 238876

To order
Call jOYCE at 64766 833 for a friendly chat.

Collection dates:
11 May , Fri 3-7pm
12 May, Sat 1-6 pm

Fun ways to use the leftover icing
1) draw funny faces on each fingers
2) squirt them directly into your mouth (only if mummy says ok!)
3) write love letter on your plain bread
4) order more cuppies! (Heh!)


Carnival & Co.
Celebrate life's little joy!

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